Student Code of Conduct

Chanakya SS/College gives primary importance on positive attitude and discipline within and outside the college premises. Valuing the self-disciplinary principles, we provide students, faculty and staff members with a code of conduct booklet at the beginning of the session and expect all to adhere to it with respect to the college norms and values.

·         Students are expected to conduct themselves consistently with respect to code guidelines on and off college, particularly at college-sponsored events or programs, educational training, field trips, seminars and other college activities regardless of location.

·         Students are required to carry their Identity Card issued by the institute at all time.

·       Students are expected to be punctual and required to be within the campus before the start time. No student will be allowed to leave their classes in between and are required to be present until the classes end for the day. Exceptional cases may be entertained only after respective approvals.

·         The college will not tolerate any misbehavior, the influence of stimulating substances like narcotics, alcohol, cigarette and lethal drugs, weapons, violence etc. If any student is found guilty she/he will be immediately expelled from the college.

·         Strict action, suspension, and fines will be imposed who indulge in unauthorized leave, bunk classes, damage college property.

·         Students are required to attend college in a prescribed uniform and maintain hygiene and should be well-groomed at all times.

·         No refund of fees will be made upon withdrawal or cancellation of admission. The security deposit will only be refunded after the successful completion of course. The security deposit will be seized if the student leaves an academic session midway.

·         Admit card, exam forms, mark sheet, character certificate, and documents will not be issued without clearance of dues if any from the Accounts Department.

·         The use of mobile phones within the college premises is strictly prohibited. Mobile phones are to be switched off and left with the security guard at the entrance. Violation of this rule will result in the confiscation of the phone.

·         In case of dispute, the decision of the managing committee will be final. Chanakya SS/College reserves the right to modify or eliminate existing norms and formulate new ones without any prior notice if deemed necessary.