Message from Chairman

Message from Chairman

Message from Chairman

In Nepal and throughout the world, major revolutions are taking place in the field of higher education. Given this reality, Chanakya was founded with the goal to offer strong curriculum knowledge with a value-added understanding of the same, in order to foster pragmatism among our students. At Chanakya, we have a pool of outstanding educators to launch new avenues in the education system. Our team, with their years of experience and expertise are highly focused to improve the academic performance and overall development of our students.

The top most priority of today’s education system is to hone the global competitive skills of the students which Chanakya ensures to deliver. For this purpose, Chanakya invests in developing the competent skills and capacity of our students. In the process, we instigate a sense of discipline and boost the self confidence among our students.

Being one of the best Management Colleges in the valley, Chanakya family feels proud in obtaining excellent Academic Progress of SEE, +2, BBS and MBS students till present which proves that our students are encouraged for regular presence and rigorous learning. We are giving our best to create a generation equipped with the overall traits of being active learners and proactive global leaders.

At Chanakya, we value the individuality of each student. With the collective efforts of our team, I assure you that every student's individual capability would be respected and we would work to strengthen them in their journey with us.


Mr. Chandan K. Shrestha
